Tuesday, April 10, 2007

An unforgetable experience

yesterday was freakin' scary! my cousin came running from next door screaming "fire fire!" gosh. my grandma's aircon caught fire. she was telling me there was black smoke coming out from ah bu (which means grandma in shanghainese) room. she was kind of scared while she was explaining to me what happened. mum, bro and two maids ran over to take a look. my bro was sick btw. mum made me stay at 97 to look after the house whilst they went over to try fight the fire. from what my mum said, she and the two maids took buckets of water from the toilets and my brother splashed it on the fire. they were all over with the ashes from the fire i tell you. when i went over to look, they were like black. its kind of funny but scary at the same time. its the first time i witness an incident like this. 3 firemen came in motor bikes, after which came 1 rhino and then the fire engine came. soon after came the police and then i dunno who the others were. i think they were from the civil defence lars. too many people. my grandma got burnt by the fire cause she was being "ge kiang". she went to her room to try fight the fire whilst my maid called the police. gosh. she wet her bed sheet and tried to put the fire out but she's too weak to lift her hand up so i guess she was just making things worst by fanning it bigger. silly. she told me some plastic parts feel onto her hand and legs so it burnt her. she then fell to the bed and hurt her arm. haiyo. thats my grandma for you. ambulance brought her to the hospital to dress her wound. its not that bad lars. cause she still could walk. yea. my bro came down after ahwile and he was sort of the savior of the whole thing. lol. cause by the time the firemen came, he sort of put out the fire already. he was really black i tell you! haha. and wet. haha. after that, i went upstairs to check the situation. everything was stablised by then. the floor was like black and the whole room was all yucky. my two maids were with me when the aircon sparked again! eeks! we freaked out i tell you. HAHA!. i ran downstairs to tell them then my uncle was like on they are just checking whether can on the electricity. ARGH. made me panic for nothing. cheys. thats about it about yesterday. what an unforgetable experience. wow. i could write an essay of it if it happened during my secondary school days cause they usually have these kind of titles for essays. HAHA! talking about secondary school, i really miss those days.

just came back from driving not long ago. drove to sengkang and then to ubi to tampanies and back to kovan. can't wait to pass my driving! and i can drive all i want. yays! faster faster faster! rarrrsss..

Thursday, April 5, 2007


had a great day yesterday! wees. met baby after work. cabbed to vivo to watch pathfinder. after that had dinner at carnivores! it was so so good. love the bloody beef! haha. okie sounds wrong. but you know what i mean. yes. the waitors and waitresses there were really friendly. lots of people were having dinner there mans. considering its a weekday. gosh. their business is so good. after dinner, went to pull and bear to get my white pants! baby bought for me. haha. yays. thanks baby. trained home after that. baby, you totally made my day. (:

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

fly me to the moon.

had tennis this morning at 9am. wees. learnt how to volley today. quite fun. yea. next lesson he's gonna teach me how to smash! yayness. saw auntie vera at the court. she's such a hip mama. super nice body,sporty,good dress sense and she's super pretty even though she's like in her 50's. She's one of the coolest oldie i've seen. HAHA. okie. im describing her as tho she's my idol or something. lols. she's just a role model that i would like to follow! haha. okie. enough jeanne. gonna go thread my eyebrow with alicia at clementi later then to holland v to chill. so i'll come back to update more later! have a good day everyone! (:

till the end.

okie! im back to post more. wows. my legs and arm muscles are so painful! all the twist and turns from tennis. HAHA. but oh wells. it'll make my muscles firmer. yays! that's what i want. all those flabby arms! shake it all away! hehes. went to meet alicia this afternoon. we trained all the way to clementi to get my eyebrow done. thanks babe for accompanying me all the way! after which we took a bus down to vivo city to just walk around. tried pants at pulls and bear and i want to get this white shorts! maybe i'll get it tml. (: had carls jr for dinner. as usual, shared a meal with alicia. it's too big a portion to finish it all by myself. i'll just puke if i stuffed everything into my stomach. left for home after that. wows. im feeling so tired now. so time to tuck into bed and get into my dream world. BBYEEEEEE!

some pictures from the steamboat dinner with poly classmates last night.

Friday, March 30, 2007

love it.

went for tennis this morning at serangoon gardens country club. new coach! wees. he's good! yays. he said i was quite good lehs. haha. wow. ego boost for me. after that, went to top up money for my driving. cause todays the last lesson for this month. so yups.
sigh now i know why people say love hurts. when you go through the suffering, you'll come to know what love hurts really means. it really does hurt like crap.
The side view.

The back view.

i'll be waiting.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


driving was at 8.30 today again. so early! oh wells. had to go to kovan by myself today cause mummy was busy. got there just in time. phew. the driver today was friendly too. he was asking me so much questions about school to work to government policies to religion. it was kind of funny but interesting in a way. did the crank course and the S course today. it's quite fun! haha. turn and turn and turn. but at one turning i went up the curb. his expression was kind of funny. LOLS! i guess he was shocked too. i was like uh oh. but he still gave me a chop. he offered me whether i wanted to drive back to kovan and i agreed whole heartedly. haha. the traffic was kind of smooth and i drove in the bus lane. so it was okie. yea. bused to my hairdresser after that. got my hair cut and dyed. my hair's really short now but i like it. it's like sloping downwards and i coloured it ash but its somewhat gold. oh wells. still like it. yea. was so giddy after dying my hair so i cabbed home. went straight to bed. my eyes hurts like crap. woke up at like 4 plus to find myself still giddy. so i cancelled tennis today. tml will be a better day ya? i hope.

i understand.

It's gonna be hard.

didn't get to blog yesterday. too exhausted. yea. so wells, after driving took a bus down to alicia's house. it's been long since i met up with her mans. maybe 1 year? haha. it was good to see her. (: after she changed and all, we went to town. went to marmalade to have lunch. its a nice place and i must say the cupcake there is good! alicia bought one for me and i ate it for the whole day. like bit by bit. haha. yummilicious. its like chocolate banana with a layer of peanut butter on top. sounds heavenly ehs? went to look for tops for school, but nah we didn't get any. but i got two cardi's. yea. headed to chinatown to walk, and found my black pants there selling at like 28! boohoos. daytripper sold theirs for 39.90 lar. cheat my money. anyway, bought one for my bro's girlfriend. yea. if you wanna know where the shop is just ask me. yups. headed back to town after awhile. ate dinner at far east and then we went to closet affair to talk to terese ( im not sure how to spell her name cause i just met her, haha). she's a nice girl. left for home together with alicia. first time i took 105 from town. but actually it kind of took forever to get home. the bus driver was kind of weird. he acted like a robot the whole journey. keep staring at him cause i was kind of amaze that he could drive and do all those hand actions. weirdo. haha. oh wells. had some bad news last night but i guess i have to let go somehow. it's no use holding on to what's impossible. i guess i have to just wait and see. there's nothing else left for me to do. yea. going for driving now, so i'll come back later to say more.

Monday, March 26, 2007


woke up at 7 plus this morning cause i thought my driving was at 8 but it was actually at 10.20. pffts. when i woke up the whole room was spining mans. gosh. i got a shock. i got another bad dream last night but i can't remember what i was dreaming of. kept waking up and going back to sleep. wonder whats wrong with me lately. hais. oh wells. so mum dropped me off at driving just now. my instructor was kind of nice. yea. wow. driving's not that easy. HAHA. i couldn't really do the S course. needed a lot of guidance. don't know how much to turn and all. lol. but after more go's at it i think i'll be better. another lesson tml. i hope i'll be better. but i must say its quite fun and challenging. gosh. feeling so tired now. my eyes can just close mans. so it's time to hit the bed. good afternoon people. haha.

i'm not that strong without you. sigh.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

goodbye for now? sigh.

goodbye for now? i really can't accept it. sigh. why is it so hard to be forgiven? there's so many questions flooding my head now. there's nothing i can do now but to just wait. i really hope he'll gather his thoughts soon cause its killing me. more than 2 week apart has already been so difficult. how long more will it take. i can't take it. sigh. pls come back to me soon. i'll be waiting. i'll be missing you.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


went to church today. then to dinner with mum,bro and girlfriend. had thai express at heartland mall. they changed their menu! haha. the food there was quite alrights. we were all complaining that we're so full when we came out of the restaurant. after that headed home with mum after collecting my new specs. yea. there's nothing much to say about my day together. looking forward to a better day tml. yupss.

i take back what i said. im sorry.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Time to exercise jeanne!

today was an exercise day for me. met up with sandy at yio chu kang gym. its quite near my house actually. never thought that it was that fast to go there by bus. HAHA. Ran for 30 mins on the tread mill. it was quite tiring after not exercise for maybe a year or so. lol. thats how unhealthy i am. have to go for this kind of gym sessions more often to build up that lousy stamina of mine. anyway if i play tennis, i have to get a good stamina. so its time to train! ahhhs. tiring but i guess i have to do it. After running for about 15mins, i got really tired mans, but i kept pushing myself to keep on running cause i was only mentally prepared to run that amount of time. haha. But i did make it in the end. phew. Didn't make a wasted trip to the gym. haha.Had a late lunch together at the cafe there. talked a bit there about life.haha. been long since we did that. arcaded with her after that for awhile before she went for work at grassroot club. Then i trained to church. yea. saw this little boy in the train who was holding a toy gun. HAHA. looked so real i tell you. kids nowadays are getting so violent ahs. lol. having a bad headache now. i guess its due to the exercise i did this afternoon. so going to head for bed now! till then. (:

i miss you so.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

New Beginning

i went for basic theory test today and i passed! yayness! i had to wait so long to get the PDL licence cause only 1 counter was open. gosh. everyone was getting so annoyed. LOL. Took a bus down to kovan to book my pratical lessons. i booked 5 lessons at a short starting from 26th onwards. yays. can't wait to touch the steering wheel. haha. going to the airport to pick my dad and tonight going to celebrate my eldest brothers birthday cause daddy will be flying off tml already. gonna be missing him. maybe in this whole month, ive got to only see him for a week? yeaa. oh yes. ive quit working in my dad's company. so im quite a slacker now. been staying home these few days doing practically nothing. haha. but wells, i guess its a good time to spend some time on my own thinking and also running around with my mum doing all sorts of stuff. yea. schools gonna start next month so ive got to enjoy the last part of my hols and get nerdy when school reopens. haha.

Never thought I could love you
Never thought I could need you
Never thought I could want you
The way I do
i'll be waiting. i hope it'll be soon.

below and some pictures taken on a yacht trip a month back.

my family.

loving parents.

groovy uncle and aunt.

me and cheeky angel.

the girls.

big brother.

the other bro.


the sister.
and lastly the little cousin of mine, angel!